Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How priceless is your unfailing love!  Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.  For with you is the fountain of life;  in your light we see light.  Psalm 36: 7,9

I can't believe I'm almost 3 weeks out from surgery.  I'm not taking the hard core pain reliever anymore.  Ibuprofen is pretty good, but the last couple days I feel like I've taken a couple steps backward.   My plastic surgeon's nurse explained that some of the pain is due to nerve endings healing.  So ouch-nerves heal away!

We saw the oncologist last week-she was very encouraged by the path report.  She said that only 20-30% of folks have that type of response.  Sooo-thanks be to God and to all of you for your sweet prayers!  She is not sure if radiation is necessary.  I was pretty surprised because we assumed that was a given all along.  She is going to bring this up at the tumor board (I think this is a bi-monthly meeting of oncologists) and see what the consensus is among her peers.

Tomorrow I see my plastics guy again.  He will be the one to actually determine when I can go back to work (I think).  St. E's has an awesome physical therapist who specializes in post mastectomy therapy.  I was able to see her before surgery, and will see her again the first week of April.  She has observed this type of surgery and attends special workshops so she can better help people achieve their range of motion.  She also is a lymphedema expert of sorts-pretty cool!

It's so good to feel this warm weather again, and the sunshine definitely brightens the day-something about that Light....   Love you, Nancy

Another appointment with

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your updates mom, and hearing your upbeat voice through the writing. I've never been more grateful!! XOXO - Em
