Sunday, May 1, 2011

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  2 Corinthians 4: 6

Sorry it's been so long since I've written.  Based on the opinion of my oncologist and the majority of the tumor board,  I did begin radiation a week and a half ago.   It will last 32 days altogether.  So far so good!  After 2-3 weeks into treatment, I've been told that fatigue can be a big factor.  I start back to work tomorrow;  so hopefully the tiredness will hit later in the afternoon-don't want to be asleep at the wheel!

I am looking forward to the routine of my work again-a bit nervous since it's been almost 6 months.  My bosses have been great to hold my position;  for this I'm very thankful!

St. E's has a great "after cancer treatment program";  a nurse navigator prepares a survivorship treatment plan based on all of the treatment one has received-it's very comprehensive and I think it's reassuring to have some extra direction for the future.  Pretty much helps you with the "what do I do now?" questions.  There's also a 12 week series called  "A time to Heal"  that's being offered this fall.  I'm anxious to see what that's all about.

So glad and thankful to be at this place in my journey.  God is good-always.  Love, Nancy

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me;  let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.  Psalm 43: 3

Hi friends-I'm now 51/2 weeks out from surgery-still a bit stiff and sore, but doing better each day.  I'm thankful for good doctors, a fine physical therapist, and for all of your prayers.  This week my oncologist took my case to the tumor board (her peers).  There is a question about radiation;  is it necessary or not since I had such a good path report?  The board gave mixed reviews, so we will meet with my oncologist this week and make a decision.  I would love your prayers for wisdom, and His light and truth to guide me.

We had a great Saturday at the zoo with our daughter and granddaughter-what a gorgeous day for April 9th.  Gerry and I have even hit the golf course recently;  Ger plays his full game, and I'm chipping and putting (baby steps).  I'm just grateful for being able to be outside and enjoy!

Will give you another update as soon as the radiation issue is figured out.  Until then, take good care, and keep your eyes on the Light.  Love, Nance


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How priceless is your unfailing love!  Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.  For with you is the fountain of life;  in your light we see light.  Psalm 36: 7,9

I can't believe I'm almost 3 weeks out from surgery.  I'm not taking the hard core pain reliever anymore.  Ibuprofen is pretty good, but the last couple days I feel like I've taken a couple steps backward.   My plastic surgeon's nurse explained that some of the pain is due to nerve endings healing.  So ouch-nerves heal away!

We saw the oncologist last week-she was very encouraged by the path report.  She said that only 20-30% of folks have that type of response.  Sooo-thanks be to God and to all of you for your sweet prayers!  She is not sure if radiation is necessary.  I was pretty surprised because we assumed that was a given all along.  She is going to bring this up at the tumor board (I think this is a bi-monthly meeting of oncologists) and see what the consensus is among her peers.

Tomorrow I see my plastics guy again.  He will be the one to actually determine when I can go back to work (I think).  St. E's has an awesome physical therapist who specializes in post mastectomy therapy.  I was able to see her before surgery, and will see her again the first week of April.  She has observed this type of surgery and attends special workshops so she can better help people achieve their range of motion.  She also is a lymphedema expert of sorts-pretty cool!

It's so good to feel this warm weather again, and the sunshine definitely brightens the day-something about that Light....   Love you, Nancy

Another appointment with

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"You are resplendent with Light."  Psalm 76:4

So glad to have surgery behind me.  I'm told that everything went well-I was pretty much out of it till later Thursday afternoon.  Thank God for good drugs-after a day or so the percocet started to make me anxious, so I switched over to hydrocodone (darn good stuff).  Was able to go home on Saturday and have been resting ever since.  Our girls have been with us for the past few days.  Angie was with me yesterday, Ger is home today, and Em will be back in town tomorrow.  I've had some great babysitters.

I was surprised by some awesome news today.  A nurse from my oncologist's office called;  my pathology report was excellent-no evidence of residual cancer.  Believe me, I was floored and amazed.  So many people have been praying for me; it's been a huge blessing.  I shouldn't be amazed-God's healing and grace is so big-sometimes it's hard for a mere human to comprehend.  It is said that God uses prayer to change people, so how incredible is it to think that all the people who have prayed for me have been changed by his grace?!

I will see both surgeons and my oncologist in the next 2 weeks, to see where we go from here.  I really don't know how to thank you all for praying so faithfully-it is such a gift!  Love, Nancy

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  John 8:12

Hopefully I will be energized the next couple days; I usually work better under pressure.  Two more days till surgery-I will really be glad to have this over with.  Am very thankful to be at this point and I do feel pretty calm.  However, my thoughts become little monsters in the middle of the night;  thank God for daytime and his light that chases away my darkness.

I did have an appointment with the plastic surgeon last week.  He is very upbeat and encouraging-I think most of the followup will be with him.  So strange (and funny) to basically pick out your implants and hope they turn out to be the right size.  Your own skin is left intact, with the exception of the nipples.  I felt like I was at Sherwin Williams paint store picking out just the right shade of nipple.  One can always do the Barbie doll look and forget the extras.  How can you not laugh!

Gerry and I met with the head of the Nurse Navigation program at the cancer center at St. E'S.  He was very kind and informative.  I think that these folks can really help people with a multitude of questions at any point in their treatment. They also have programs in place after treatment is finished such as support groups, healing seminars, diet information,  and future doctor followup care.

Thanks again for all your prayers-keep em coming!  Love, Nancy

Friday, February 18, 2011

"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."  John 12:46

Moving on to surgery-we met with my surgeon this past Tuesday (Feb. 15);  we have surgery scheduled for March 3rd.  I had my list of questions and Ger was with me as my support and 2nd set of ears.  This was actually the 2nd time we'd met with him.  The first was the day after I found out my biopsy result and we thought I was headed directly for surgery.  I was definitely in the ozone the first time, so this visit had much more clarity about it.

Next Tuesday, the 22nd, I visit my plastic surgeon again-he has a very positive attitude and good sense of humor-kind of helps you see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Still getting an infusion of herceptin once a week.  This will go on for a year, but  I'm not sure whether once a week or every three weeks.

We have alot of family in town this weekend-all three daughters, our granddaughter, and my friend Kathy from Norfolk.  I'm just so grateful for my family, friends, and that we are moving right along.  God is good always!

Love, Nance

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10, 2011

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.  Colossians 1:13-14

Very good news today-my petscan and MRI, along with the physical exam, were much improved.  I am so relieved and thankful!   I have an appointment with my surgeon on Tuesday next week, and we will go forward and schedule surgery (mastectomy).  There is always a chance that if the pathology results after surgery show cancer cells, a couple more rounds of chemo may be needed.  If chemo isn't needed, I can begin radiation after the surgery heals.  So-there's always a bit of the unknown and some waiting-but thank God that we're seeing some light!

I can't thank you all enough for your prayers-you are awesome!  Please pray  for my friends Amy and Kristi, who are also on this journey.  I am learning so much from them-it's just amazing when God places certain people in our lives-He knows just what we need.

I will let you know more about surgery after next Tuesday.  A certain thought has been rattling around in my head all morning.  My hope for all of us is this, that no matter the circumstance we may find ourselves in, we can have faith in the fact that "God is good always".  Love, Nance

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011

Joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.  Colossians 1:12

Thank God for the sunshine!  What a crazy couple days of weather.  Anyone else have that "penned up" feeling?  I did have an infusion of herceptin today, along with a good blood count (yay!).  On Super bowl Sunday, I get to go on a water and protein diet-no carbs.  Will have a pet scan and MRI on Monday, the 7th.  The special one day diet is for the pet scan.  On the 10th we see Dr. M. and decide on surgery or more chemo.  So I'm in kind of a holding pattern right now, but feeling good.

My daughters got me hooked on a new workout video, "Thirty Day Shred", with Jillian Michaels.  It's a combo of cardio, strength, and conditioning.  There are 3 levels:  I'm on level 1with several modifications-am a total whimp, but think this will help with strength.

More later-stay warm and sane.  Love, Nance

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011

Do not gloat over me, my enemy!  Though I have fallen, I will rise.  Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.  Micah 7: 8

I'm reading a great book that a friend lent to me called "Facing Your Giants", by Max Lucado.  The premise of the book is this:  Focus on Giants-you Stumble.  Focus on God-your Giants Tumble.  All of us face giants in our lives; it's just a matter of timing.  God gives us amazing promises in his Word-this little book has some great reminders!

Chemo #4 was this past Thursday, the 20th.  The drugs seem to be doing their thing, according to the physical exam.  Dr. M. wants  me to have another petscan and MRI on Febr. 7th.  Hopefully the scans will be even more specific about any tumor shrinkage. We will meet with her on the 10th, and either go forward with surgery or a couple more chemo treatments.  Soooo-I'm thankful to be this far already.

Stay warm and dry on this beautiful, sunny, cold, cold, cold day!  Love, Nance

Monday, January 10, 2011

The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.  Isaiah 60: 19

Wow-it's really snowing hard.  Good day to work on some special projects.  It's day eleven from the last chemo;  I feel much better-still have a very funny taste in my mouth-it's hard to describe.  Sometimes water doesn't even taste like water.  Lemonade is pretty good-kind of wakes up your taste buds.  I've been able to eat-that is a blessing. 

I've met a couple wonderful ladies who are also in the midst of this breast cancer fight.  One friend, Amy, just had surgery following chemo, and is now healing and waiting to see what her next step will be.  Another friend, Kristi, is undergoing chemo and is my hero.  Both have been a great source of courage, inspiration, and humor (so good to be able to laugh at ourselves).  I look forward to lunch, coffee, and silliness with both of them!  I thank God for bringing them into my life.

Jan. 20th will be my next appt with the oncologist, and the 4th chemo treatment.  I'll keep you updated.
Stay warm and dry-may be time to pull out the cross country skis!  Love, Nancy

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1st, 2011

You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.  Psalm 18:28

Happy New Year!  Here's to a very cold, windy, but beautifully sunny day!  Last Thursday was my #3 chemo treatment.  Gerry and I saw my oncologist; she is encouraged and at this point thinks that probably #4 will be the last chemo before surgery.  So-I hope and pray that this is so-but she's not hesitant about changing her mind if she thinks a couple more treatments would be good.

Gerry, I, my brother Doug, daughter Angie, and a friend I've met who's having treatments, all hunkered down on Thursday and played Kings in the Corner during chemo.  It sure made the time go fast, and was fun for all.  Am still feeling pretty good today; usually days 4-6 are kind of dicey.  I've read at least twice that short rests are good, but it's best to be up and moving and drinking lots of water.  Exercise is encouraged-have found that the experience is certainly unique to each person, but the guidelines from the doctor's office are helpful.

Gerry and our three daughters, plus many friends, have been my angels on earth.  Thank you so much for all your care and prayers.  You are all a light to me!  Love, Nancy